Oh, The Renaissance Faire! The one place a fat girl can get some respect!
After reading the comments on the last post, I feel I need to make some
things clear about me. I have never
believed I was screwed up. Isn’t that
strange? I only told a little of the
abuse I experienced, so that you the reader would understand why I have
modified my behavior. I did not write
the events to have you feel sorry for me or to have a pity-party, to me those
events happened and they happened for a reason.
It doesn’t make sense to me that I am treated in a negative manner only
because people are mean. If that is the
case, then humans are worthless and I do not believe that.
I’ve known since I entered school that I think and feel in a
different manner then the general population.
I know because of the reactions I get from other people. I have a completely different take on the
world and it is through others reactions that I have come to know what the
basic population considers inappropriate.
I don’t know what being over-weight all my life has contributed to my
problems. In many ways I see it as a
protection. I don’t have to deal with
the numb skulls of the world because I am abhorrent to them. I have found myself grateful for not being
placed in difficult situations because of my looks, for example I have never
worried about any sexual abuse or advancements, a problem for any attractive
I have been trying to think of a way to explain how I do see
my space and unfortunately it sounds so condescending and snobby and pompous
and mean. I know this because
defensiveness and anger are the immediate response to my words. The reactions continues to surprise me. It continues to frustrate me because all I
want to do is connect to another person.
I know that is how I come off to others I meet and I really do not mean
to. I just don’t understand how others
can’t see what I see.

I have tried to soften my expectations of others towards
me. My last friend is still my friend
because she is willing to go down into the deep end of the pool. I have come to understand that this is a very
difficult process for her and others, so I try not to demand the time it takes
to become comfortable enough to open up to one another. I am so disheartened by how shallow everyday
life is and how shallow we must be to live in everyday life. I believe that humans are capable of reaching
for greatness, not as the world defines it, with money and power, but as a
being able to feel the inner workings of the environment around them. We have such potential to feel and yet most
everyone I meet is bogged down with concerns I do not understand.
It has taken me much thought and experience to try and come
up with an explanation of how I interact with the objects in my space. I hope this will make sense and give you, the
reader an idea of what it is like to be me.
I see small threads coming off of the things in the world. A person is a collection of emotions and
wants which in turn is a thread. Each of
those threads represents a connection to something else. It could be to an inanimate object, it could
be to children or it could be to an emotion.
Normally I can tell what a person obsesses about because that is the
strongest thread and most of the time, people are not concentrating on something
positive like joy, and they are more likely to be in a negative state. I react to those emotions, not to the careful
constructed facade that average people used to navigate through everyday life. I do not see the mask. I react to the threads in a person and to those
connections, so I know my behavior and what I say comes off sounding terribly
wrong. I have an example. This event helped to crystallize my resolve in
staying true to myself despite how much others hurt me. I was able to be a Behavior Therapist for
children with challenges, but were being main-streamed in a normal class. I felt like I understood those children very
well and I felt like I was helping them, but I wasn’t doing it in the way the
other special Ed teachers wanted. So I
was attending the special Ed class after lunch and I let my student do what he
wanted in that class. He would
manipulate the teachers to do his homework and I just thought more power to
him. We were sick of each other by that
time of the day and the teachers expected this awful behavior out of the kids,
so they got it. Anyway, there was a boy
in that class who I also dealt with in during the day. I knew he had a big mouth, but I treated him
like any other student and he always behaved very well for me, so I was
surprised to hear that he would start brawls and bring weapons to school. His family life was horrendous with his
mother involved with multiple men. He
was only in 6th grade and this boy had the most disgusting, dirty
thoughts. I could feel how deeply he
hurt. He wasn’t in the class because he
had a brain problem. He was there
because of the screwed up way he had been treated and he did not trust
adults. I liked him, so during that 5th
period I would let someone else deal with my student and I would take on helping
this disturbed boy. I was also in his
math class, so I knew the assignments and lessons of the day and would help him
get his homework done. I did not bully
him. I did not yell, but I also did not give him the answers. I tried to let him talk and I tried to let
him laugh. I thought as long as he got
his work done that I was being successful, but others didn’t see it that
way. He had his feet up on the chair
rail, not on the seat, but on the metal bar under the seat and this woman came
in yelling at him to keep his feet off of the furniture and how dare he
disrespect her by having his dirty feet on her items. Then she turned on me for letting him do
it. My jaw dropped open from shock. This boy was hurting every second of the day and
he was attacked by an adult because of me.
This story sounds like a no-brainier. It sounds like I am in the right and all my stories will sound that way because you are hearing my truth. I do not know what the other adults in the room were seeing or feeling, to them I was in the wrong. I was accused of not doing my job because I did not yell at my students
in front of the other children and therefore in front of the other adults. I felt like he had enough humiliation to deal
with and I would nod to him if he did something inappropriate during the class
then talk to him afterwards. I do not
put on a show. I do not have a facade. I don’t know how to be fake and I don’t know
or understand how to deal with those traits in other people.
I have a reason for my actions even if you don’t
understand. I see the connections. I see the pitfalls. I follow the threads and I see a problem about
to happen, but nobody believes me because the problem is 3 thread connections
How do I use the words needed to put what I see in
perspective. These are not concepts that
I can communicate. I am using the basest
part of myself. I don’t know why I can
feel these things. I don’t know why I
know with such assurance. I stick by
what I feel and I see the line and I become immovable. I realize I seem pompous, snobby and mean,
but I know that is because they don’t see what I see. I am just so shocked at how blinded the
average person is to real connections, to real emotions. I reach out all the time in the only way I
know how and I am rejected. I don’t care
anymore. I can’t live with the
frustration anymore. I am too sick and
too tired to deal with the hurt. The
hope and belief that I would find someone who understood me is gone. Life is pretty awful without hope, so to
survive I have shut many of my feelings down.
That way I can live in a void and be fine. And I am..., fine that is. Fine for the situation I am in.
This has been an experiment, a way for me to connect, but I only have a little stat bar that says how many people looked at the page, to me the words that I carefully crafted have disappeared into a black void, no conversations have been spurned by the words, this blog as been a very lonely experience and I have been surprised by that fact. Lonely in the fact that I have to continue living with the things I write. Each time I come to this site I am faced with the posts I have written, staring at me, pushing me to remember when I just want to banish the truths to the back of my brain. I was encouraged by quite a few people to write a blog and one night when I couldn't take my thoughts anymore I did, hoping to feel some relief, but that is not what has happened. I Won 2nd place in the Costume Contest
I want to be as shallow as a puddle. I want the world to just bounce off of me, to be able to feel in the moment and if that means turning off what makes me Rebecca, then I am fine with that.
I have plenty of fun harmless stories. I am such a silly girl in many ways that I am sure they will provide some entertainment. I'm not sure I want to lay myself bare anymore. I don't know. I feel so intensely that I would rather not feel anything at all then to feel the negative emotion that comes at me.
Of course I could be completely wrong about myself. I have never had anyone stick by my observation. I did get told I was right when having a heart felt conversation with a person, usually in the middle of the night clouded by exhaustion, but it is like I do not exist in the bright light of day. But here is the kicker, I don't have any interest in trying anymore. That maybe the wrong state of mind, but I can't help it. The most wonderful person could be living 2 houses down and I will never know, because I don't want to go through the gut wrenching process it takes to know another person. That means for all my complaining I am not going to do what is needed to progress and that idea is so appealing I plan to wallow in it for a while.
Go ahead and wallow my friend. I have seen you wallow and in the end come out cleaner and with more resolve. Poke your head out a few times a year and maybe the one time it will seem lighter. Take care. I want to clarify something I wasn't going to write. You are not a project. I wish I could learn to call and just spend 1 hour a week but then life kicks in. I wish you could read my mind as well as see my stupid mistakes. If you learn to do that though stay out of box 7 that is my memories I don't want to relive.
ReplyDeleteI have never thought of myself as a project with you, although I used to think that was a bad thing and now I would love to be someone's project. Anyway, You already put the time in with me. You spent hours and hours talking to me and that counts for something. I am devoted and even if we do not speak again for 5 or even 10 years it will not matter to me because the connection has already been made. You will remain the core you no matter what. Your feelings may change or you may become more skilled, but that will not change who you are. I guess I should be grateful that you have hung in there so long.
DeleteSo I wrote a long comment and the page crashed, the just of it was this.
ReplyDeleteI love you. Our children love you. I hope that you will continue to write. The world needs to hear what you have to say, even if it is only a tiny corner of cyberspace that sees this, who knows who it might touch. I hope that you can find peace and comfort somehow, somewhere and from someone. I am sorry you feel so isolated and alone. I wish I could be there to help lift your burden.
LOL, I was in the fair too ... I was assigned to be a wench hahahaha... my mom made my costume out of an old set of drapery panels cause it was the only thing we had to work with. It was awesome and I loved it! It was plain and average looking, just as it would be in real life. The experience was wonderful though.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, I was in the grocery store and this guy was reaching for the same item as me I pulled back and was going to let him have it. He insisted that I take it though mumbling something about a gentleman always relinquishing to a lady...
I laughed and said something to the effect of "Oh, so chivalry is not dead..." and he and I, then his wife went on to have about an hour long conversation in the salad dressing section of the grocery all about the fairs and the guilds and how many people there were that had an active part in the whole subculture. I was never aware of that... if I had been, I certainly would have been a part of all that good timing fun! LOL
Thanks for bringing up a happy memory for me, from a time that was quite difficult for me.
Oh and I hope my comments weren't among those that bothered you. If they were, just toss em' out LOL... I have a tendency to over die things because I feel so strongly. When I see an ounce of hurt, I feel the need to apply a pound of love.