
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Doctors- The Bain of my Existence Part II

Now the recent Trials.

I do not like to repeat this story over and over, so I will write the whole saga down and refer others to this page.  I am going to tell you what the Doctors have told me and it isn't pretty.

I will explain how later, but I managed to loose 80 pounds.  It did not make much of a difference, in fact it made quite a few things worse.  My weight is carried in my belly and that was where most of difference was noticeable.  My belly was no longer a round Buddha-look but began to hang down forming a huge apron of skin.  My thighs would bang into my stomach as I walked and I would get sores under the folds of skin, but despite that I experienced my golden age of life during these years from 1999-2008.  I was begged to go to a Fashion Design college.  It was not an idea that ever entered my head and a scout for the school found me.  I learned how to present myself.  I found the benefit of beautiful clothing and how to dress my strange body.  I was complimented on my looks from complete strangers in the train station on my way home from school on the weekends and I knew that I had made a tremendous amount of progress in myself.  I got the job costuming and life was good.

No Doctors were there to spoil it.  I was able to get a job as a Behavior Therapist helping Special Needs Children through word of mouth.  I finally had something to connect to other people with.  They did not understand the costuming, but everyone understood working with Mentally different children and their behaviours.  I very much felt my body once again holding me back from what I knew I could accomplish.  With the Behaviour Therapist job came a steady paycheck with all the government benefits attached and that included  Health Insurance.  I wanted a Tummy Tuck.  I was tired of being smothered at night by my own belly fat. 

I asked a friend for a Doctor recommendation, set the appointment and went, pleased that I had done so much to better my life.  I sat on the table when he walked in looked at me up and down and said bluntly, "You need a Gastric Bi-pass."  I was livid.  He did not look at my belly.  He did not look at all the work I had done on myself.  He did not do any tests before he made this statement.  He judged me in one glance and he was wrong!  For the first time in my life I stood up for myself.  "How Dare you!"  I replied. "You know nothing about me.  You know nothing about my past or my background and you judge me by what you assume to be true.  I came to you for help.  A Gastric Bi-pass my be right for me, but why don't you consider other options first."  I was yelling and trembling and my anger toward the audacity of doctors shot me through with adrenalin.  I stomped out.

I found another Dr that was willing to help.  He started the tests and it was with him that I found out the Diabetes had become full blown even with all my changes to my diet.  And this is when the prescription upon prescription started.  I had a bad reaction to all of them.  I began to see the Dr every 2 weeks and I was sicker then I had ever felt in my whole life.  The pills did not work and when I would say that I was having adverse affects he would give me a look, but he began to give me samples first and we would see how I reacted to it.  I took my blood sugar every day three times a day and it hurt and was painful, but the worst was the metal effects.  I would have high blood sugar in the morning, which is very strange since I would not eat for hours, the numbers lower in the afternoon and jump a bit for dinner.  I was vigilant with my eating and my behavior and the numbers would still be high.  Then the Dr would add more useless pills.  I hated it.  I was so exhausted with having a normal working schedule.  I was getting sicker and sicker and I was doing everything the Doctor asked of me.  I wasn't losing anymore weight and my feet were swelling and beginning to adversely affect me.  They were going numb and the Doctor said there was nothing that could be done,

I went forward to get permission for the Tummy Tuck after months of jumping through hoops and writing letters, sending in records, talking with my Dr.  the insurance company said no.  It felt so wrong.  I wasn't doing the surgery for vanity reasons, it was hoped that taking the belly off would jump start me into loosing more weight.  I admit I did want to be pretty too,but I knew no amount of surgery would change how I felt about myself.  I asked how much it would cost.  There were all kinds of special offers from the  hospital and Dr and the cost was more than half of what I thought.  I had the credit and I had a job and I wanted to feel better, so I went for it.

Meanwhile, I found a nurse to live with when my parents had moved to Virginia and I was pretty much alone.  The day before my surgery I got a letter from work saying that I had been laid off.  I wasn't surprise, a mass amount of teachers and aids had been laid off because of the financial crisis in California.  I thought about canceling, but figured I could get another job in Virginia when I had healed. 

I had the surgery,  The doctor took off over 20 pounds of my belly.  I saw my feet when looked down for the first time in my life.  It was so wonderfully freeing.  I looked the same Becky, so I was grateful I had done the surgery for the way I felt.  I began healing well, except for one problem.  Right before I was going to fly to stay with my mother I found myself covered in liquid.  The nurse I was staying with saw a hole had opened up in my stitches.  I went to see the surgeon to make sure it was safe to fly.  He said to let the fluid drain and the hole would close on it's own.   It did after a month, but then I felt the fluid gather in my belly.  I was experiencing lots of pain at this time, but the fluid would fill my stomach up until I felt like I was going to burst.  I commented that I felt pregnant with a water baby.  I returned to the surgeon and he stuck a large needle in me and would draw out an orangey fluid every week.  His nurse would ask me every week if I felt better and every week I felt a little worse.

During these months I was receiving a California disability every month so I was able to survive if I was careful with my money.  I could still shop and get myself food.  I was unable to bend and stairs were becoming more difficult to propel my body up.  I lost my health insurance before I healed enough to move to Virginia and my own Dr became very sick having to leave his pratice all in the same month.

The surgeon was the only medical professional I could go to.  The fluid wasn't stopping, so he put a drain inside of me to close the pocket he believed had formed from the surgery.  It is a normal side affect and he thought I would be better once the pocket was closed.  I became sicker.  Finally he took the tube out and told me to go to the emergency room something was very wrong.

I went to the emergency room where they decided to admit me to the hospital.  I kept telling them I did not have any health insurance.  I did not have any money.  I could not pay.  They kept saying they would help me.  I stayed in the hospital for a week.  That is when they found out my kidney's were working at only 13%.  My blood pressure was out of control.  My feet were killing me.  They could not find a cause for any of my problems. so it was all blamed on the diabetes.  At the time my blood sugar was out of control because of the loss of my Dr.  I went on insulin and a billion pills that I said did not worked. They released me to a harried clinic Dr that was busy trying to convince patients that he did not need Oxycontin for a skin rash.

I had problem after problem.  I kept paying to see the kidney Dr I had met in the hospital.   After a month of appointments she sat me down and we had an honest conversation.  I asked her if I would ever feel any better.  She said no.  I asked  her if I would ever be able to take care of myself and she said no.  My kidney's are functioning at a failing level.  She said I was in stage 4 of kidney failure  and stage 5 is dialyses.  There were no pills that would fix me.  She predicted my kidney's would fail in 2 years and I would live on dialyses for another 2 years.  The news sucked.  I was told in a very nice way that I was going to die.

I had a year of disability.  I lived off of that and resigned myself to the fact that I would have to move back in with my parents.  I did not want to move to Virginia.  I knew that the section of small town the house was located in was not right for me.  I knew it would mean my life was over and I fought moving back.  I lost.

Finding a Dr here has been a nightmare.  We are lucky enough to have a hospital in the area, but every Dr.  I called did not have an appointment for over 3 months.  I went blind a few months after moving in.  My mother knew someone at church who was recovering from a serious eye problem and see refer ed a Retina specialist to us.  We had to drive an hour away, but he fit me in.  Dr, Vogel is the kindest man I have ever met.  He took one look in my eyes and knew I would go blind if he did not help me.  I told him I did not have any money and he did not care.  He performed over ten thousand dollars of surgery and procedures on me.  I paid him the cost of his lunch.  They sent a bill with the tally of costs and at the bottom it asked me to pay $8.  I sent the money to them right away and as I joke I told him I would have paid at the office because he made me pay for a stamp.  He laughed and then proceded to deducted the 47 cents from that appointments bill.  He is a great man and I will do another entry on him, but both of my retinas tore, the blood filling my eyes blocking my vision.  It had nothing to do with the diabetes or my other problems.  He said it happened with those who had my vision problems.  I finally got my blindness resolved.  My brain has learned how to compensate.  I do not drive though, I amquite scared.  I am not good at telling how far away objects are and that tends to freak me out. 

I began having trouble trouble breathing and I was throwing up constantly.  My mother became worried my kidney's were failing so my parents took me to the hospital emergency room again.  My kidney's were stable, but I coughed a certain way when he came back into the room, which began another line of questioning.  I was again admitted to the hospital, this time a year later with congestive heart failure.  I was drowning in my own fluids.  From that visit I learned they think there is something wrong with my heart,but they can't do anymore test because the dye I would have to drink would destroy the last functions of my kidney's.  Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I went to the kidney Dr again here in Virginia and he was just as rude and mean as they ever were to me.  Thankfully he said in a blunt way that there was nothing he could do for me unless I changed in front of my mother.  She know I had tried.  I felt that she got the message that I was very sick.  I was dumbfounded that after all this time here was yet another Dr telling me that my problems were all my fault.  I asked what he planned to do for me.  He did not give me any constructive answer and I knew  not to waste my money on him.

Now I finally found a Dr that is willing to try his best for me.  I know his only response will be another pill, but he found one that actually works to get the fluid out and for that I am grateful.  He tries to listen to me. but I feel like he gets overwhelmed with all my symptoms and have to be careful about the information I give to him.   He is monitoring my kidney's and fluid.  I do not feel that my problems are being addressed.  I do think something went a little screwy with the surgery, but I don't know if I haven't ever healed or if the pain is from a mistake.  I live in a balancing act.  I loose the cushion of fluid and a deep ripping pain starts.  It feels like two teams are playing tug-o-war with ropes straped to either side of my stomach or with too much fluid I am drowning and ready to pop.  But all the time there is a constant overwhelming exhaustion.  I can not stand.  I feel like I have a 20 pound weight attached by a string to the back of my bellybutton.  I stand and my knees buckle from the strain of being pull to the floor.  My feet are so bad I can't stand to look at them.  I wobble from the strain and from the fact I can no longer feel my toes, so they don't grip.  I hate to wear shoes because it feels like heavy nubs on the end of my knees. 

Sleep constantly eludes me.  I found out after reading an article I am on Mars time.  I can't eat, which is wreaking havoc on my insulin.  I am a prisoner in this house hardly ever leaving because it is so impossible.  I can't shop for food. It is very difficult to go any restaurants.  I am unable to go to church because of the combination of getting up for it and sitting in uncomfortable seats for hours.  My life is my computer and if I have enough motivation, my projects.  I wonder every night as I watch the sun rays fill the room why I am even still alive.  The suffering is unbearable and beyond belief.

I keep two thoughts in my head.  One- Something could change.  I do not have any faith in that thought, but I have no idea what kindness could come my way and I need to be open enough to accept it.  And Two-  I am doing the best I can.  I do each day.  I do what I can and I am not being lazy or taking from others.  I am still trying to better myself even with the obstacles I face.


  1. I know life is hard right now for you, and that you wonder why you are alive. I can't blame you. I am impressed though, that because you have a knowledge of who you are, you continue pushing forward. I feel the Lord has resigned Himself to some of my murmuring. He loves us despite our complaints. Now for me to use that knowledge to improve my reactions to others that would be a miracle.

    A week or so ago I was reading this in a conference talk by President James E Faust. While reading this I thought back to the post you made “No Pity Party For Me”. I was thinking this may be the reason you are

    "completely mind boggled at the beautiful talented woman who are told that they are beautiful and do not believe it! "

    I think you already have "a conviction that you are a daughter of God" and no one can take that away from you. I think a lot of us have tried to seek approval from others because we forgot to seek God's approval first. I know that I still struggle to balance my self worth.

    This is not to say that you think you are better than everyone else, in fact in what you are saying I hear you believing in all of us.

    Again I am not sure if this has any comparison to how you really feel but thought I would share this excerpt from the talk anyhow.

    Here is the excerpt from talk. Sorry this post is so long.

    “Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity. You will know who you are. This will make you free--not free from restraints, but free from doubts, anxieties, or peer pressure. You will not need to worry, "Do I look all right?" "Do I sound OK?" "What do people think of me?" A conviction that you are a daughter of God gives you a feeling of comfort in your self-worth. It means that you can find strength in the balm of Christ. It will help you meet the heartaches and challenges with faith and serenity.”
    “ I wonder if you sisters can fully appreciate the innate gifts, blessings, and endowments you have simply because you are daughters of God. It is a mistake for women to think that life begins only with marriage. A woman can and must have an identity and feel useful, valued, and needed whether she is single or married. She must feel that she can do something for someone else that no one else ever born can do.”

    1. I did come to the conclusion that I was an important daughter of God on my mission when I realized people are people complete with their own sets of hurts and trails. It is my younger thinking that I do not understand. I did not beleve anyone who said I was worthless. I did do believe those who said I was stupid. I felt in my heart that I was worth wild and I sei up a barrier to those that would hurt me. And that thinking has not chamged. There maybe wonderful doctors out in the world, but I have been so burnt out by them that I can not stand to deal with any of them. My barrier is back .I let it down for a long time, but now I like having it up blocking me.

  2. Hey...I hope I'm not intruding but do you have a copy of your patriarchal blessing? I get depressed pretty easily sometimes and that's one thing that helps me through my "episodes". I wish I knew better about the why's and what for's regarding struggles and trials and stuff because sometimes I tend to feel over-whelmed, however, I can't ignore or deny that even on my most difficult days there is still too much proof that there'll be a happy ending...for all of us. It's not always easy to feel confident in the powers of people (and their communication skills) but I've learned the hard way that it's important not to give up on them, even in spite of their impatience/loftiness/ never know what you might be supposed to inspire them to experience and/or vice versa, ya know? really hope this is actually helping...

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. I have used my patriarchal blessing as support on many occasions. What it said was one of the main reason I went on my mission. I have had great spiritual opportunities and I do have a personal relationship with Christ. I know that is the reason I haven't overdosed on my medication. I will talk more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints in my posts and how much it has helped my thinking. Thank you so much for your comment. Please feel free to ask whatever you like!

  3. I remember feeling like kids were cruel sometimes but I was extremely lucky to just be chubby and even though I kicked my butt to have the perfect body-type that I saw on tv or in magazines (and at school) I had to give up after a long while because I was never fit and/or toned the way I wanted to be and all the excessive effort that I was putting into losing weight everyday eventually seemed like a huge waste of time. I used to get so angry about it, thinking that it was so unfair that I should have to try so incredibly hard only to have almost no results to show for it (though there were some positive health benefits to all the eating right and exercising, if no weight loss) while other people could eat whatever they wanted and spend their extra hours on fun stuff ... but later on, after high school, I stopped trying so hard and even though I still wanted to look slim, I was slowly able to accept that I never would be thin and fortunately I had (have)some real friends and family members that didn't(don't) expect me to be. I can't imagine how much more torment you might've had than me but judging by the way those kids would taunt you after school (and at school) I'm guessing it was more than enough. The ways that people behave sometimes really, really gets to me and even though I've always tried to have a "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" attitude, I have a lot of trouble sometimes when I think about why or how anybody could be so mean, especially to someone that they don't have any kind of an acquaintance with ... I guess what I'm trying to say is why would they take that kind of initiative and behave so aggressively toward someone that they didn't have any reason to be upset with? I mean, had you started an argument with them or deliberately insulted them somehow, then maybe a shallow retaliation might be a bit understandable ... but all you were doing was simply walking home. Who were you to them that they should've started any kind of finger-pointing or name-calling? Call me over-sensitive but that just seems exceptionally wrong.

    1. I learned how to handle the hostile. For me I think it came from a place of fear. Looking at me make you feel uncomfortable. I realize that and I had enough love and acceptance in my own home that I was able to barely survive by shutting the door on the negitivity talk and be safe in my home. I will say that the person who suffered the most was my yonger brother. He was torture because of his fat older sister. I don't blame his resentment towards me, but that others feel they need to elavate their standing in a group by degrading another is one of the rampant basic human problems.

  4. Hi Becky, I just want to say I think you're a beautiful, cool, fun, person who I admire. You've got great spunk and energy, and you've made a whole lot of yummy lemonade with the lemons life has brought you. I'm so sorry you've had so many health troubles the last couple years. I know God has a good plan in everything, but I hope & pray that His good plan involves you being healthy really soon. Don't be discouraged--there are a lot of people who love you and appreciate the really cool gifts God has given you and the way you are. I've always enjoyed hanging out with you and talking with you, and I wish I were close by to hang out and cheer you up if you're feeling down. More importantly, you know that God is there for you no matter what, and that's the best thing of all. I keep thinking of what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4. It's good stuff, so I'll just end with it:

    16 Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day. 17 For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. 18 So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

    God bless you, lots of love from your cousin Seth

    1. Well Thank you Seth. I wanted to tell you how much I admire you finding your own way. It does make a barrier between those who decided different from you, I kope you realize that, but I hope where repect is givem respect is recieved and I very much respect you for finding what made sense to you. You have a beautiful family. You are doing an important work to better yourself. Who could ask for better. That is a very comforting scripture. We all have to be siriving for the things that are unseen. In that way I feel very knowledgeable.

  5. Was there ever a time (in school or at church or anywhere other than your home) that you felt that you were safe from hostility?

    1. Not everyone was mean to me every moment of the day. It tended to be certain people who held a grudge against me. I felt safe in classrooms and I even grew to love some of my teachers for trying to include me in class. I had a stable lunch group who would shield me from most of the taunting. The worst was walking to class or walking home when I was by nyself and there for vunerable. I will do a post on what they did like put nude picture in my locker with stuff written on them or make booming noises when I put my foot down and act like there was an earthquake. I felt safe as long as there was an adult around and I pretty much stuck to them like glue. At Home, on my block, it was a different story. I once again became the Queen Bee and even though those kids couldn't look me in the face outside of the cul-de-sac, once on it they knew I was incharge. I had the fun cool brother, we had the gigaintic pool and between the two of us we brought the whole range of kids together to play "Ghost in the darkness" and Rock around the Clock" until all hours. I may have been fat, but I was clever beating kids out. HA! HA! That was fun!

  6. Yeah I feel the same way now, but when it was happening I thought it was normal and that I was the bad guy. I hope it teaches others to stand up for themselves. Thank you for your comment.

  7. You wrote earlier that your relationship with Christ helped you. I'm really looking forward to reading more about that. And about your skills with costuming.


Please feel free to leave a comment. I hope I have fixed any problems. Thank you.