
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Love, A Four Letter Dirty Word

What is love?  Everyone in the whole world is screaming for it.  Can anybody define it?

So many words are used to try and explain that one little word.  Is love what I read in the "Twilight" Books of the world?  What I feel to be the teenage obsessive version or is it the happy ending of the movies with the main characters jumping into bed with one another. 

What is love, that I feel totally incapable of having it?  That is all my life has been about searching for that elusive feeling.  Others thought it was strange that I did not want the blistering heat of fame.  I never wanted that.  I wanted to be the type of actor that showed up in every movie and TV show as a little character.  I wanted people to think they had already knew me from somewhere.  All of my actions have been private and one on one because I just wanted a person that I could feel safe with.  One person that I could share my opinions with and get a conversation back.  One person who I felt heard me.  He didn't have to agree, but I need to feel connected.

I figured out pretty early that sex was a short-cut to that connection.  Sex is a strange monster, maybe a shape-shifter who starts out cute and cuddly, the problem is I would watch as it morphed into a savage soul sucking beast with sharp teeth and large claws.  I am not a prissy girl.  I hung out more with people outside of my standards and they would get destroyed by the mis-use of sex.  More pain and anguish followed the perversion then the joy of the act.  I had no desire to be broken into pieces so I did not enter the world I witnessed.  I wish I could say it was my amazing strength of morale fiber, but the reason I didn't indulge is because I didn't find anyone that I could trust.  There was no emotional connection to anything or anybody.

You know what thought keeps me awake, "What is wrong with me?"  I don't fit anywhere and that is wearing me down to the bone.  I have tried.  I swear to you that I have tried to fit into so many groups.  I love theatre, but I was not pretty enough to enjoy any important roles.  A little resentment, but I tend to be very realists in my logic.  It can be daunting to spend hours waiting to go on for one scene.  I knew I couldn't go very far because of my weight.  I was in band, a great place for nerds, but I wasn't ever nerdy enough to blend in with them.  I tried to be a proper "typical" Mormon, but the chasm becomes very wide when you are in a religion devoted to the family and you don't have one.  It is wonderful, but to be an old maid at 25 is rather daunting and now that I am upper thirty's there is no way or rather they are very slim, that I will ever have a family of my own.  I went to Fashion Design college where I was introduced to the Homosexual life style.  I lived with a gay man(sort of, we had an apt. together).  I watched their interaction and decided that I had no desire to be in the gay lifestyle.  I also figured out the materialist voracious appetites of the fashion world and I could not allow myself to be swallowed up in that world.

So here I am struggling to find a place.  I either reject or I am rejected. 

I read a comment to one of my first blogs and it said something like,"...I read about a girl desperate to be loved."  I felt insulted when I first read the comment because I do not act desperate.  I despise when others debase themselves for scraps and in many ways I would rather starve then bow my head to another in submission, but I am more than willing to give myself to those who  take the time.  I have had bright shinning spots of love given to me.  That is how I know what love is.  That is why I crave that form of love, not what the world says is love.  I want to be bound to another.  I want to know without hesitation that he will follow my lead as I would his.  I want my concern to be focused on another and his concerns focused on me, so that it is an active relationship.  I want too much.  I know I do.  I want accept that I want desperately to be loved, but I am not willing to give that love to just anyone.

I was listening to an LDS wedding, the kind done in the temple and it is doctrine that the two people are sealed together for this life and into the next.  That's along time.  I was listen to the words said in the ceremony and I felt myself physically jerk at the promise being asked because of the striking difficulty I was having with the concept.  The man asked the bride and groom if they were willing to give themselves to one another.  Are you willing to give up your time, talents and your will to the other person?  I felt slapped in the face because I knew that I would have to answer that question with a resounding "No!"  I felt that I was completely closed to allowing another person into me.  I knew that was a problem and I worked very hard to change those feelings.  I opened up and I was able to bend.

I believed that someone could love me, that it was possible.  I believed through all the crap that was happening to me, one person would see me and my talents and love me for them.  That did not happen.  I was not chosen despite all I did to change.  And I return to the question, "What is wrong with me?"

I am watching my life deteriorate before my eyes.  My emotional and physical health has shattered and I don't know what to do anymore.  I set up a book club back in Simi Valley and it was a magical circle in time.  I felt heard, even though my thoughts and feeling were normally contrary to the group and it was a special time to honestly express ourselves.  My mother has tried to start one here in Virginia and it really is the people who make a difference.  I sat in that room feeling frustrated and disconnected.  I went into the bathroom sat on the toilet and cried in desperation.  It felt just the same as it did when I was 15 at a church dance and all the boys I asked to dance with said No, with a couple of hell No's, sprinkled in.  The same rejection, the same frustration, the same disconnect.  I can't stand it anymore.  I don't have the strength do deal with the hurt anymore.

I am going to take a break from writing in this blog for awhile.  It was an experiment to try and connect, but this is so one-sided I don't think it is working.  I don't know if I feel safe in this forum.  I don't know if I want you to know the real pain.  I have had to go numb as a defense and I don't know if I can endure defrosting my cold heart.

Thank you for reading.


  1. I love your picture at the outset! You've been to Stonehenge? What was that like?

    Where were you in the photo of the spiraling staircase? It looks like some kind of mid evil castle ooooohhhh my imagination would go flipping nuts in a place like that hahahaha...

    If you're open to a philosophical debate ... might I suggest a little research into positive psychology? Now, don't let the phrasing scare you off before you give it an honest go... Not that I think your the kind of woman who scares easily... I picture you as a bit of a bad-ass who's not afraid to do anything. I'm more of a mini-bad-ass LOL... but I'm working my way up ...

    So here's my plea to you... from one messed up mind to another... NEVER STOP WRITING! You're too talented to lock that up within.

    In regard to sharing your true pain, it's important that you know just how much it means to others to know that they are not alone. To know that their pain is not unique to them alone.... to know that they can get out there in the world and make choices for themselves that they never realized or had the courage to make before.
    You’re pain is unique to you, it's personal and yes, even beautiful in a way... because you are the sum total of all of your experiences...both good and bad. Those hurtful moments have shaped you into the AMAZING writer that I'm addressing now.

    What's more, I'll make one last case begging you to continue... By sharing it, you're allowing yourself and your experiences to be a part of something bigger than you, outside of you, beyond you... you're connecting (even tho you may not know it) with a girl in California who's lonely and depressed, with a guy from Florida who's feeling low, with a girl from Mexico who wishes she could do more... You are HELPING even if you don’t know it!

    that part of you that's reaching out to others and the willingness to help a complete stranger make a difference (regarding our previous conversations topic...)is what's going to change your life forever! If you'll let it. If you really want change, if you really want love, if you really want a connection... then go change someone elses life. Go love someone else unconditionally. Go make a connection with somebody by expressing gratitude for something they've done, a talent they have ...whatever... Go out and GIVE IT... and don't think about what you want, just for a little while... give this a try and see what happens...

    It's not just some mumbo jumbo about Karma... it's scientifically, psychologically been studied and it's amazing what our brains are capable of inflicting in our lives by influencing our actions and our decisions which ultimately influence our feelings.

    But remember that when your FEELING sad, it does not mean that you ARE sad. When you FEEL lonely, it doesn't mean that you ARE lonely. YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS. You are amazing, and that's not something that I say lightly or to very many people.

    Keep creating ripples girl!! I think you'll find some unexpected blessings for your efforts and your troubles because you're helping others and creating those ripples of change (the results and likes of which you cannot imagine as of yet)will come back to you. WHY? The interesting thing about ripples is that if you watch them long enough, eventually they turn around and go back to the center from whence they came. So at some point, when you least expect it, this blog of yours or your other efforts which you take on with the goal of helping people or a cause that's beyond yourself, will return to you with equal or added benefit! Give yourself something of immeasurable value! Happiness. Because you deserve it and I'm certain you'll find it soon Just wait... you'll see...

    1. I have been thinking about your comments and I will write an entry addressing some of the feelings. I do understand where you are coming from and I needed to read the positive words. As for the pictures, they are from my family trip to England and Scotland in 2004. The spril staircase is in the Tower of London. I just wanted to sprinkle the post with some pictures.

  2. THIS COMMENT WAS MEANT TO BE FIRST:Oh nooooo please don't stop writing! You must know that your words are so artfully crafted and so obviously derived from the heart... you must know that somewhere there is a girl like myself reading and crying not out of pity but out of 'fellow feeling'.

    I sincerely hope that you will continue. If you need to, change your name and write anonimously. I have found that this is the only way I can truly express myself because of religious oppresion and possible repercussions of my true identity and self. It's been a great help, a spring board for healing and opened many doors to me that would otherwise have been closed.

    YOU ARE LOVED. I don't know you outside of your writing, but I tell you here and now that I LOVE YOU as one woman to another, in friendship and commonality. I accept you EXACTLY as and for WHO you are. There are no conditions attatched.

    You're an inspiration to me because you've done so much and because you keep trying. You've traveled, started book clubs, been open to new ideas and ways of life... You're not afraid to try new things... DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SPECIAL THAT MAKES YOU? Do you know ho wmany people are crying on the inside because they wish they COULD BE LIKE YOU? But they are too scared to take that step, to try.

    I wish I could have started a book club! I've never ever known enough people who enjoyed reading as much as I do to even entertain the idea LOL... none of the people I ever associated with cared much for books or learning in general. They were perfectly content to waste their lives perusing the next bit of tail or being wasted... If you ever decide to start another one... Could I please join in the discussions? I've ALWAYS WANTED TO BE IN A BOOK CLUB. It's not a very lofty dream LOL... but it's an honest one and quite obtainable. LOL

  3. Thank you for sharing this much with us. You may never know how much this means to us. Just as we may never understand beyond knowing you how much this takes out of you. I like what Mexacon ymouse said about how much you help others. I wish she could know you personally because she would see how strong you really are.
    This blog has been amazing but knowing you I understand that this is not enough. You already have amazing journals.
    So now I plead with those who read this. ... Including my slacker butt ... Get off our backsides and pick up the phone!!! I am more guilty than most and know that you are not quitting because this is hard but because love is Two way street. I wish we all lived close cause then a I could stop by in person. I will miss your writing and agree you are a great author. Let's see more books out there. :)

  4. Yeah, please don't stop writing...this is some really good stuff, I wish I could do nothing but read blogs like yours every day. It really helps me to feel like I'm not the only one struggling with life stuff. Sometimes I feel so stuck.


Please feel free to leave a comment. I hope I have fixed any problems. Thank you.